About Us

Some info about us


Browse through our online catalogue and find the gears you need. Order, and we will deliver it to your place in no time.


Our store is located in the best location in Jakarta Pusat. Visit us at jl. Pramuka Raya No. 394B, Paseban, Senen and explore our complete collections.


Should you need more information about the product you were looking for, please feel free to call us. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

lucent defense

Lucent was established in 2012 as a realization of our passion in providing high quality tactical gears for our customers. We provide selective products to support people’s dream in having and enjoying good quality lifestyle, for outdoor activities, sports, or for casual use.

Our founder has experience and passion in selecting good quality brands for tactical gears with military grades. We believe that meeting the military standards will provide extra value and comfort to our customers, even though they do not serve for the army, as safety is at our highest priority. We also strive to provide our customers with the most current trend in technology and style in tactical gear, as we believe that safety, comfort and style should always be in harmony.

Check us out and you will not disappoint. We help you gear-up in style!